Automated delivery note and
invoice control through
Artificial Intelligence.

Increase process efficiency through automated data extraction from delivery notes and invoices

Reduce costs by automating the manual comparison of incoming documents with legacy data

Enable employees to focus on their core competencies

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The automated processing of incoming delivery notes and invoices is an easily realizable potential for optimization.


Until now

With BLP Digital

Cost savings potential per document

Average processing time of a multi-page delivery note

Until now

15 min

With BLP Digital

2 min

Cost savings potential per document

6,80 CHF

Average processing time of an incoming invoice

Until now

6 min

With BLP Digital

30 sek

Cost savings potential per document

3,70 CHF


Delivery note and invoice documents are processed by a medium-sized manufacturing company with 20 million CHF annual revenues.

82 %

Companies are actively looking for a automation solution to process their delivery notes and invoices (Deloitte, 2019).

Controlling multi-page delivery notes at the incoming goods department has never been so easy for your employees.

Automated delivery note control

Identification of the correct supplier including the comparison with the ERP data, delivery note number and delivery date

Assignment of the goods receipt to the corresponding purchase order

Comparison of order and delivery quantities including adjustment in the ERP system

Capturing batch and serial numbers

Free up your employees from tedious copy-pasting tasks at the invoice verification.

Automatied invoice verification

Identification of the correct supplier, invoice number and invoice date

Assignment of goods receipts and comparison with the correct quantities

Comparison of the charged prices with the order prices and capturing of the additional costs including account allocation

Capturing of due dates, cash discounts and taxes

errorBy the way, our solution is also available for vendor invoices or expense receipts without ERP order reference.

Our state-of-the-art algorithms enable the automation of all document-based ERP processes.

Automated data extraction from all ERP-relevant documents

Our technology automatically classifies all incoming ERP documents and extracts the relevant data. Regardless of whether the documents arrive in PDF format, as an image or even as a letter.

Supplier documents


Order confirmations

Delivery notes


Customer documents




Further inquiries

Our end-to-end solution seamlessly integrates with your ERP or accounting software.

Deep end-to-end integration

Since mere data extraction does not provide any added value, we integrate our solution end-to-end into existing system landscapes. In doing so, we build on existing business logic of our customers.

All-in-one solution

Thanks to close cooperations with ERP, accounting and DMS partners, we also offer complete solutions in which our artificial intelligence is already deeply integrated.

Standard API

Our standard RESTful APIs allow a fast integration into all systems without system interruptions. Contact us for more information about our existing integrations.

Become a partner

We are always looking for strategic implementation and development partners. Contact us for individual use cases and tailor-made solutions.

BLP Digital AG

Alfred-Escher Strasse 34
CH-8002 Zürich


Phone: +41 43 216 37 11

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